
by Terrica Joy in

Remember how I recently rattled on and on about my new beloved treasure, the one I discovered at my favorite thrift store? The one that inspired me to revamp the guest room? (By the way, if you live in or ever visit the Dallas area, please check out Curiosities.  It's such a wonderful little jewel.  You could get lost in there for hours discovering all kinds of treasures.)

Well ladies and gents, today she makes her first appearance!  (Though she's a little shy...give her a second to warm up and she'll do more than just peek around the corner...)

Isn't she lovely?!  I adore her.  Let's give her a few more seconds while I introduce you to a few other new elements of the still-not-finished-but-definitely-close guest room.  I was going for a Shabby Chic/Anthropology/cozy B&B inspired look and feel.  And it had to be done on a crazy cheap budget, like, FREE would be ideal.  

Most of these elements were, in fact, free.  Or almost.  I moved the bed to the corner, intending for the room to double as a sort of lounge and/or reading room as well, and just above it papered the area with sheets of antique opera music.  (Bought a book of it for a dollar at the annual library sale several months ago--I've used it for all sorts of projects since.  It's so romantic...beautiful lyrics, music notes...) The frame was a buck at another little junk store down the street.

On the adjacent wall I took a cue from Pottery Barn and strung a piece of twine across it, then used mini-clothes pins to simply clip up random odds and ends: prints from different countries we've visited, travel photos, more music sheets, favorite quotes, etc.  Fun, and virtually free.

The lamp was free from my Grandad (who for some strange reason has an entire building full of random old odd.)  The tea pot and cups were a gift from my beloved step-mom-in-law, Deb, once belonging to her mother.  The basket of cinnamon sticks were given to me by an adorable thrift shop manager in Oak Cliff who always tosses in freebies to inspire me to come back, (not that it's ever necessary to inspire me to return-it's practically my second home).  The bedding and linens are also from her shop, all brand new originally from Bed Bath and Beyond: down comforter, silky white sheets, bedskirt, etc.  I got it ALL for a grand total of $40. Shocker! The comforter alone should have cost $400.  Everything else was either thrifted, picked up at a garage sale, on a curb while junkin' with my mom, or bought for little to nothing at Ross or TJ Maxx.  (throw pillows, large baskets for extra blankets, etc.)

So now that you have a feel for the ambiance, let me give you a full introduction to my little beauty...

The most beautiful, perfect, battered with age and unknown memories writing desk!!  Isn't she gorgeous??  I love her.  She makes my heart sing.  I can't stop staring at her.  (I think that's why she's shy...I keep staring lovingly and it's freaking her out.)

She's perfection sitting before the windows, flanked with ethereal white curtains.  And I know she'll bring comfort and inspiration to any and all who come to stay a bit in the guest room.  *sigh*  

Though not pictured, the Golden Chair was also relocated to a quiet corner in this room, stationed next to the little wrought iron table my Great Grandaddy gave me years ago, atop it a tray of organic tea selections and a small mason jar of flowers.  I still have a few small projects to complete before the room is entirely finished.  I have a couple of old maps who's frames need to be refinished to look more aged, same goes for a large modern looking mirror who needs a face-lift, those kinds of things.  But for now, we're quite content with how the revamp has turned out.

Don't you just love it when a room is inviting?  When it beckons you to come inside and hang out awhile?  Do you have a room that calls to you?