I intentionally seek out Sabbath moments every single day, and this is one of them. My favorite breakfast: sliced avocado, buttery millet bread, an egg fried simply in coconut oil, hot tea.
The meal alone has a healing effect, but add intentionality into to the mix and we're talking soul repair.
I believe fully that when we take time to stop, to taste, to savor...we give our souls time to come into focus. We give our spirits a sense of gratitude and space to actually connect with God. After all, He's just waiting for us to slow down.
You want to see God today? Seek out a quiet place, a moment, and feel it completely. Close your eyes and eat a handful of blueberries, stop and closely examine a flower, hold a child's hand, listen to the notes rather than words of a beautiful song, slowly sip a cup of steaming coffee or tea and be careful to notice how if actually feels as it warms you from the inside out.
"If we could see the miracle of a single flower, our whole life would change." -Buddha
Pay attention. Appreciate. I promise, it makes all the difference in the world...
How do you create space for Sabbath moments in your every day?