Tidbits: Baby News, Holiday Plans, Upcoming Adventures

by Terrica Joy in

~We've officially picked a name for baby girl Smith!  It took a good bit to decide.  We wanted something beautiful with a lot of meaning, but also a bit unique.  After landing on a handful we really liked we took a couple weeks to try them out, see which one felt right.    

I love what TD Jakes says about naming a child, "Understand that a name is important.  It tells something about your origin or your destiny.  You don't want just anyone to name you.  No one should want just anyone to prophesy over him without knowing whether or not that person is right.  Words have power!"  

He has an entire chapter on the power of names in his book Can You Stand to Be Blessed? which I just happened upon the week before we found out we were having a girl.  I almost wept during portions of it. Needless to say, picking a name was a very intimate, sacred decision for us.  However before you start asking, we've decided not to announce the name until birth.  I know, such a tease ;-)  But we love the sacredness of sharing that last secret until the end, and the power of knowing we have such profound influence even now in speaking truth over her day after day.  Every time we speak her name, we're speaking to her destiny.  

~In other baby related news, we're loving BabyLi.st for all things registry related.  It's so simple to use and allows you to register for items from just about anywhere, including non-traditional places like Etsy. Why didn't someone think of this sooner??  People can purchase the item right off the linked website and it's shipped to their door (or yours), OR can simply pick up in any store of choice.  I personally love that we can link directly to amazon for tons of products, which essentially means saving a nice chunk of change.  It's super user friendly for friends and family, and quick and easy to edit/manage for the parents-to-be.  We love it!  If you know of someone who's expecting you might suggest it!

~I spent part of this past weekend with my Mom, Granny, and Tirzah making Christmas ornaments.  I laughed so hard I cried a time or two.  That Granny of mine just cracks me up ;-) Pinterest was our inspiration, think burlap, twine, vintage music paper, pine cones, etc.  Soon as I take a few photos I'll have to show you.  I still need to have another little party or two to make more, but so far I'm thrilled with how they're turning out.  This is a very big deal you see, because I've played Mr. Grinch the last, oh... 7 years??  I've refused to put a tree up or do anything Christmas-y around the house for a whole list of totally legit, very practical reasons.  It's broken my husband's holiday-loving heart year after year.  I always promised however, that as soon as we had babies I'd flip the switch. I'm true to my word.  And technically we won't have a baby until next Christmas, so kudos to me for getting ahead of the game!!  Right?!  Anyone?? ANYone?!  C'mon...

~Oh, one other piece of baby news I failed to mention earlier...  Remember how the sono technician offered to do another sonogram after shocking us with news of a little girl??  Well, I'm taking her up on it.  I'm going back to have a second sonogram tomorrow, to ensure it's a she ;-)  I'm totally and unapologetically attached to the idea of having a daughter now.  And my heart cannot take another surprise.  Lord help me... (If you happen to see a post tomorrow filled with crazy all-over-the-place emotions, you'll know why.)  ;-)

~And lastly, we're headed out for a couple little adventures over the next few weeks. First, several days of sun and sea in the Riviera Maya, a stretch of the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico from Playa de Carmen down past Tulum.  We fell in love with Tulum years ago after I accidentally booked us at a nudist resort. Oops! Apparently the Tulum area was a huge draw for nudists back in the 70's.  How was I to know that?!  It turned out fine in the end.  We were able to re-book last minute at a truly lovely, clothing strictly required hotel, but we did have to shield our eyes a time or two from the... body parts.  Ya know, people walking down the beach from those other resorts where clothing was considered, um, optional.  Though I do love Tulum with with its rain forest and reefs and romantic, remote feel, I'm happy to report we'll be far north of the area this time, by at least an hour or so.  No need to worry about nakedness. ;-)  

We'll only be back home for a few days before loading up for Nashville.  My little sister-in-law has already sent disappointing word that the leaves are pretty much gone.  So sad.  But certainly Thanksgiving will be wonderful!  Cooking, family, long walks and talks and laughter.  It's sure to be delightful, no doubt!  I'll try to take loads of photos to share when we get home.

So there's a few recent highlights from our world!  What are your plans for Thanksgiving?


by Terrica Joy in

What better in Fall than a picnic on a blanket in beautiful weather, followed by a walk down pumpkin-lined walkways with someone you adore?  Very little in my book.

It's no secret that the Dallas Arboretum serves as a constant source of inspiration for me.  I never cease to marvel at the perfectly manicured lawns and sprawling gardens simply waiting to be wandered thru.  Despite my endless photos of the grounds, I can't seem to stop snapping pictures.  Ever.  I feel compelled to somehow capture the beauty each and every time I set foot there, which is quite often.  

What can I say?  It's a love affair.

A beautiful, perfect afternoon.

What's inspiring you lately??

Home, Another Year of Life, and What's to Come

by Terrica Joy in

I'm home!  

And what a whirlwind trip it was.  

England, Holland, France, and Italy, with a number of stops along the way in Belgium, Germany, etc.  Planes, trains, ferrys, tubes, metros, taxis, and tons of walking.  Laughing, wandering, a few sibling screaming moments followed by hugs and tears, and even an incident that involved me losing my cool in a way I have never, ever done before.  Ever.  It was humiliating.  I may never fully recover.  

So many forever wonderful memories.  So many lessons learned.  So many stories and photos to share with you in the next few days!

In other news, I also celebrated my 29th birthday this past week.  Last year as part of the birthday festivities, Christine (at the time nine months pregnant with sweet Luci Belle) planned a little nighttime picnic.  So this year we thought, why not do it again?!  This time Luci Belle was even more present.  She even 'made' me what is quite possibly the cutest card I've ever received.  

How adorable is this?? (I thought it appropriate to photograph in a morning patch of sunlight ;-)

Look at her little scribble mark and the crayon copyright on the back.  Love.

What can I say?  I have creative friends ;-)

Oh how we love this little girl.

I've also added to my ever growing treasure-hunting collection in recent days, thanks to a friend moving across town and downsizing. Can't wait to show you those trinkets!  

And lastly, on an entirely different note, my heart has been wrecked.  And restored.  I'm still processing in many ways but definitely want to share soon, at least in part.  God has outright astounded me with His providence, His concern and intricate orchestration of my every day.  Even when I accused Him and spewed my anger at the heavens, laying false charge against Him... He didn't relent.  There was no way in the moment for me to understand how the pain would profit, or why He was literally causing it.  But now I see, oh how clearly I see, and how unspeakably grateful I am.

So there's a few tidbits for ya!  See you soon ;-)


by Terrica Joy in

I.  Laughed.  So.  Hard.

I had to stumble to the car and sit down to catch my breath.  Then I laughed some more.  I couldn't stop.  I just kept laughing.

We had been out and about browsing at furniture and were headed back to the car.  I was walking a bit ahead with Shannon, chattering and rattling on about who knows what when her hesitant voice broke into our conversation.

"Guys...hey guys??"

I turned to face her.  She was bent over staring at... garbage in the parking lot.  She seemed to be debating something in her head.

"I think I feel inspired..."

We waited for an explanation.  Suddenly, decidedly, she snapped upright with an old clothes hanger dangling from her finger.  A disgusting, sticky, obviously rolled over by gigantic SUV's several times clothes hanger.

An awkward moment of silence filled the space between us, "Huh?  Are you being serious?"


"No, really.  Are you being...for real?"  

She shot me a look of feigned betrayal, "Yes!  I feel inspired by it!  Don't mock me!"

Another moment of silence rolled by and then I sort of chuckled, a deep, rising from my gut chuckle that got louder and louder until I had tears rolling down my face and stumbled towards the car in hysterics.  I fell into the passenger's seat both unable and unwilling to stop, enjoying the moment entirely.  I laughed and laughed and laughed, digging in my purse for my iphone.

Still giggling, barely able to see thru the tears in my eyes, I begged her to pose with it, "Please, Erin. Please.  I have to remember this moment forever!"

You can see the sarcasm on her face.  I love it.  So much.

On the one hand was my unashamed, blatant mockery, but on the other was a moment of sheer celebration and bliss. Though I made fun of her, I absolutely, completely identified.  In fact, I'm typically the butt of jokes for the very same reason.  It's all in good fun, I don't take any kind of offense. But I have to admit it's terribly refreshing to have moments of connection with another soul who totally gets it, who understands, who you can say things to like, "I feel inspired by this nasty hanger..." and not feel like a weirdo. (Admittedly they may laugh at you at first, but later they'll do something like post a blog about how much they identified with you in that moment ;-)

And tonight, in a few short hours, she's holding her first official art show.  I could not be more excited! I'm so proud of her.  Proud of her for facing her fears, for trekking around the globe entirely alone for the single purpose of honing her craft, for making hard, gut-wrenching decisions she never thought she'd have to make, for working so hard day in and out to make her dream reality, for expanding her horizons, for not settling, for believing, for dreaming...  Oh how she inspires me, for all of these reasons, definitely, but also for silly moments with dirty hangers in parking lots.

So cheers to you, my treasured friend, for everything you are.  And tonight, well, this is just the beginning...

Do you have a friend who inspires you?  Who you can laugh at and with because you really do understand each other?


by Terrica Joy in

I truly, honestly don't get star-struck.  In fact, I typically roll my eyes at people who do.  Why would we get all googly-eyed at someone that we, the public, made famous?  Isn't the real miracle the fact that by buying their record, or their book, or going to their movies or whatever, we made them that way? Wealthy and famous?  Yes, I think so.  We should be walking around high-fiving each other, hooping and hollering at the power we have to make or break people, don't ya think?  

There's my rant about that.  

(I must disclose, however, that I was awe-struck by Bon Jovi a few years ago.  And I even went to the concert asking, "Who is this again?  Would I know any of their songs??"  Totally serious.  He effectively cast his spell on me.   I couldn't help it.  I was blown away.)  

But other than that I'm usually more annoyed than I am impressed.  And with a husband who works in radio with endless passes to concerts, movie premiers and film festivals, meet-and-greets, endorsement gigs, etc, we've met our fair share of uber-famous people.  (I have always appreciated how he's arranged for our little siblings to meet all their idols: The Jonas Brothers, Raven Symone, Aly and AJ, Taylor Swift, blah, blah, blah...) But the vast majority of the time he asks me to go backstage or whatever, I violently opt out and suggest he invite someone else.  I'd much rather pluck my eyebrows anyway. 

But then there's Anne.  Yes, we're friends now so I refer to her simply as Anne.  We're very close.

My dear friend Christine introduced me to her a few years ago, and it was love-at-first-paragraph. Her book Bird by Bird is hands down the best book on writing ever penned in my opinion.  I also loved Traveling Mercies, a memoir on faith.  I confess I don't and haven't loved all her books, but I do love her.  She's just so stinkin' funny and transparent.  She's also terribly introverted, almost elusive.  No facebook, no twitter, no blog, not even a general website.  It honestly baffles me.  How do you sell books in today's economy with no self-marketing whatsoever?  But then again, it kind of makes her all the more mysterious and appealing.

You can imagine my surprise when Erin (of course a devoted Anne Lamott lover) announced that Anne would be in Dallas doing a reading and book signing!  I immediately texted Christine, who also flipped out, and we all started planning and freaking out and screaming how we might pee our pants or fumble our words or something crazy like that up on meeting her.  (Erin and Christine both sorta did, I might add.  Well, no pee, just fumbling and general fear of approaching her stuff. ;-)  

I did not.  I oh-so-bravely raised my hand and asked her a question, in fact.  "Hi Anne.  We're curious why you don't have a website of any kind?"  To which she brilliantly responded (paraphrasing here), "Yes.  Because I'm afraid if I did it would mean I'd actually have to interact with people or do something.  And I wouldn't have anything to say, really.  One day I'd say, 'You can do anything.  Believe in yourself.  You are beautiful and wonderful.' And the next I'd say, 'I hate everyone.  I hate Sam. (her son)  I hate John Boehner. (she's a liberal)  I just hate everyone.' It wouldn't be very life-giving.  It's just better that I don't."

She borders on too honest.  But that's what we love about her.  We all giggled and blushed a little, exchanging happy glances.  Kyle was there too, and Josh played with Luci Belle in the background so Christine wouldn't be so distracted.  She kept blushing every time Belle gleefully screamed quite loudly. Anne kept asking 'the woman with the baby' if she'd like to come to the front and sit on the carpet. Christine declined.  I think that embarrassed her a little, too.  It was so great. I loved it. 

Then the moment came.  We all got in line to meet her.  I ripped a page out of my journal for her to sign having forgotten my books.  Josh snapped photos of all of us acting silly.  We asked her if she was an INFJ (like us), to which she responed, "What's that? Does it mean you're screwed up?  Then, yes." We all giggled again.  

Erin's eyes were closed in her photo so I dragged her back to take another.  She about lost her mind, freaking out the entire time.  Christine down-right refused to go back for a second. It was greatness.  

When Josh and I made it to the car I kept saying I felt like all the world was right.  I wasn't star-struck per se, but I did have this grand feeling of accomplishment.  I spoke to Anne Lamott for goodness sake!  I told Josh, "I don't have a bucket-list or anything, but if I did that would have been on it!"

I feel inspired.  I must have gotten some sort of impartation of something.  I feel like I could write a memoir! ;-)

If there were one person on the planet you'd love to meet in the flesh, who would it be??